
Royal Winchester Golf Club

Seniors' Triangular 2023

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Report from Seniors' Captain
The first of this year's triangular matches took place on a, believe it or not, sunny and dry day at Hockley.
The course was playing long with a cold east wind making the first 4 holes partcularly difficult. The green keepers must have been in a particularly  bad mood and decided  to torture the players with their devilish  pin positions. It all led to a tough day's golf....
The best scores of the day were two 37 pointers by 2 of the home team, with our best coming from Den Chalk, despite a 4 putt on the 14th,  with 36 points, well  done Den...
At the close of round 1 of the competition Hockley were unsurprisingly in the lead with 288 points, we were 11 points back with 277 and Sth Winchester had 261 points.
Well done to everyone who played on such a difficult day to score well, and we look forward to hosting the next round on the 2nd of May.
Best regards

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