Looking ahead to future course projects, your Course Committee would now like your feedback regarding the idea of installing a dew pond on the course.
Certainly over the last 50 years numerous discussions have been had concerning the 18th hole and whether or not the bomb hole located in front of the green should be transformed into a dew pond.
Chalk down grasslands are home to our oldest-known dew ponds, there are examples which are known to date from the Bronze Age and are used as a natural means of providing drinking water for livestock and wildlife that live on the downlands and help to create an environment that allows fauna and flora to flourish.
The image below is an artist’s interpretation of what a dew pond would look like in place of the bunker:
We are keen to promote our ecology plan and take positive action to provide an attractive feature that can be enjoyed and viewed by visitors and members from the club house for all of the positive aspects a dew pond will bring.
Here at RWGC we are trying to promote our ecology plan which is outlined in the recently updated Course Policy document, whilst also ensuring the health and safety aspects of providing such a natural feature are fully adhered too.
We would now like to hear from you; please let us know your opinion - either YES or NO for this dew pond.
We shall seek opinion until the end of the month and will come back to you in early June.
We hope to gain a conclusion to this often discussed topic and, steer this Committee to delivering the wishes of the membership.
Kind regards,
The Course Committee